Second product line

BIO-Enzymatic Products

Pulverized or liquid

Fail-safe separator + 4th generation enzymes

Done on the base of ecologically friendly dirt separators, enzymes and antistatic agents.

During many years humanity knew enzymes qualities which collapse organic chains what lead to creation and removal of elementary substances. Enzymes that are produced in the digestive tract by bacteria appear to be in the form of ‘scissors’ which split bonds (in proteins - Proteases, fats - Lipase, carbohydrates - Amylases) performing them for the further processing and fixation in human and animal organism. This characteristic allows to tussle with organogenic pollutions. Moreover, penetration capability of the enzymes is similar to bacterial.

Certainly, it was necessary to create non-volatile enzymes. Shelf life expiration of all bienzymatic means is 2 years.

For washing solution it is necessary to use warm water 40 - 45°С . It should be used during 3 - 4 hours (period of maximal effectiveness of enzyme component).

They are safe for human, can be used for cleaning different types of surfaces, washing linen and dishes.

BIO- Enzymatic Products are produced in two types

■  Fluidal – are very handy and effective for the floor and other surfaces cleaning. Could be used in industrial vehicles, dishwashing and washing machines and have an excellent separating base.

■  Pulverized – are very handy at home use for both dishwashing and washing machines. It is effective for organic dirt, but there could arise some problems with nonnorganic dirt or natural colours

All BIO-Enzymatic products delicately clean, do not damaging fabric structure and coloured cloths do not lose their colour in comparison with usual washing cloths.

Take notice on the fact that working substance of BIO-enzymatic Products start to work immediately when they come into a contact with the surface. That is why in the very beginning BIO-Enzymes of 10% concentrating should be decreased till 2%, meanwhile all advanced features of cleaning qualities will remain the same and better than traditional methods.




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