BAC product series especially for usage in veterinary




One of methods of mastitis, hoof and other diseases, different cow diseases prophylaxis is observation of hygienic cleanness in the places of animal presence!

So that cleaning of animal presence places is less problematical (both for personal and animals) microbiological preparations „AHC” and „AHS” were developed. These preparations let to cope with practically each dirt, which is present in cowsheds and acts as a start of disease or continuation of diseases.

“AHC” washing agents consist of non-chemical washing basis, animal origin enzymes, positive micro-organisms (strains used for internal usage).

Laboratory studies have shown that this agent helps to cope with problem of any farmer – dirty housing.

Test of laboratory studies was made at one farm located in Europe.

Livestock 83 cows. From them:

  • 8 cows after calving;
  • 90% of livestock hoofs are infected by fungic diseases;
  • 30% of livestock are infected by mastitis.

Farmer has agreed to conduct experiment, he asked to complete following tasks:

  • wash places of animal residence (cowsheds);
  • assure cleanness of hoofs of animals coming from pasture;
  • wash milking equipment;
  • wash milk delivery lines in the places of sharp flections (places of formation of milk stone)

Despite the exotic for Belarus devices for washing cows and cleaning, all problems of stock-breeders are the same. They need to clean manure and remnants of bedding....

Two newest washing agents were used:

  1. "АHC" - For total cleaning of housing..
  2. "АHS" - Housing condition stabilizer

We came to such practical results:

Total cleaning

Is conducted once a month, without animals. It is conducted without animals not because it is harmful for them, but it improves the quality of cleaning!

Usual dilution - 2-3%

The very first cleaning is conducted by 10% solution!

Works are made after mechanical cleaning of housing places from manure and rough rubbish. Cleaning is better done with high pressure apparatus (HPA) or with flexible pipe with strong pressure of water current (like fire-fighter’s);

Housing condition stabilizes

2-3 times a week

Rehabilitation is made by 2-3% solution and is applicated by method of spraying, after cleaning of manure.

Work can be made in the presence of animal, not harmful for animals.

Naturally that there will not be cleanness like in operation room, never the less pathogenic micro-organisms present in „AHS” „colonized” the space and do not give ability to reproduce in pathogenic micro flora.

As a result of processing animal housing places with „AHC” and „AHS” microbiological preparations we achieved:

  1. Healing abscessed, fungal defeat on cow hoofs.
  2. Healing of hoof frog.
  3. Improvement of milk quality and quantity.
  4. Enhancement of common state of animals.
  5. Lowering expenses on medical care of animals.
  6. Improvement of work condition of operating personnel.

Thus microbiological preparations „AHC” and „AHS” let to significantly improve conditions of keeping animals, and as a consequence improve qualitative variables of milk.


Each farmer knows the problem of mastitis milk. We cannot sell it, we cannot water calves with it. Everyone knows what is to care for „mastitis” cow and how problematically is to milk her. And the most important - „mastitis” milk is quiet problematically to utilize without further negative consequences for livestock health. If manager of the farm or his veterinary service consider that it is enough to pour this milk into canalization, they have forgotten basics. Microbiology! Pathogenic bacteria reproduce with incredible speed and colonize everything around them, thus they damage animal breeding and agriculture in general!

Practically all men face this problem.

First the problem of „mastitis” milk was solved in April of 2005. The experiment was carried out on one of the farms located in Europe.

To complete the tasks microbiological agent „COW TEAT CLEANER” were taken.

Milking machine destroys keratin layer of teat skin, first teat defence from pathogenic micro-organisms.

Milking machine provokes hyperkeratinisation of teat channel, so that the door inside the teat is open for pathogenic micro-organisms.

Using Predip, Dip and other disinfecting agents kills bacteria and destroys bacterial ecosystems on the skin of teats and on the end of teat. Pathogenic micro-organisms are more and more resistant to antibiotics and disinfecting agents, and have a chance to pass knowledge about this resistance to human pathogenic micro-organisms.

Destroyed bacterial ecosystem force these first bacteria to colonize teat skin and teat channel, find all food available only for them.

Learning ecosystem we found out that in normal conditions teats are colonized by different bacteria, called commensal (symbiotes). They compete for food; create stable (strong, resistant) colonies, no colony reaches infectious end.

Think of highly productive Holstein cows, feeding calf. Teats are colonized by usual commensals, and calf mouth commensals. Calf drinks 6 litres, other milk remains in teat. No one has yet treated cow from mastitis.

Disinfection of teats and teat ends raises the risk of problems with cell number and mastitis. Colonization of teats and teat ends by non-pathogenic bacteria leads to the fact that commensals use all food for reproduction. Harmful bacteria want to colonize teat skin and teat end, but they are forced to compete with the majority of our commensals. They will never reach infectious end and will not cause a disease.

Represented „COW TEAT CLEANER” can clean cow teats. You colonize bacteria located in „COW TEAT CLEANER” on the teats after milking. Our commensal become active and absorb (digest) dirt on the teats. Dirt is food for bacteria.

Without food pathogenic micro-organisms cannot reach infectious end.

Cow sickness rate with mastitis lowers.


Infectious diseases of limbs is the biggest threat for economic efficiency of milk farms. Having painful limbs cows eat less, their productivity lowers, and they are in poor condition in general.
The variety of pathogenic micro-organisms causing these diseases is yet unknown. This is the reason why it is impossible to continue treatment or prophylaxis with 100 per cent efficiency.

We only know that pathogenic flora – aerobes, anaerobes, fungi and other – have moisture and food for survival and reproduction. As long as food is available reproduction takes place faster and faster, thus raising the risk of disease.
As soon as bacteria – food (nutrient solutions) and humidity are found reproduction begins. Building of army reaching infectious end takes only 2 hours.

ПFood for bacteria, which are considered to be the reason of disease, is located in manure, urine, milk and other secretions, excreted by same cows. Cows themselves create optimal condition for reproduction of bacteria in the cowsheds...Hoofs of cows living in such conditions
is optimal place for reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

We offer new effective way to raise economic efficiency of cowshed and monetary returns of cows.
Our strategy is colonizing hoofs, feet and the whole cowshed by non-pathogenic bacteria to leave no chance for pathogenic bacteria to reach infectious exposure end.
The newest washing agents „COW FEET CLEANER” are used for this purpose.
Our preparations are created especially for stock breeding purposes. They create ecologically safe hypo allergic washing base, few non-pathogenic bacterial culture and ferments (enzymes).
Non-pathogenic bacteria themselves clean hoofs, feet and cowsheds. Bacteria comprising cleaning agent independently produce new and new enzymes for cleaning and preparing available food for non-pathogenic bacteria. Non-pathogenic bacteria use food prepared for them for reproduction, herewith taking food from pathogenic bacteria. This effect is called domination.

Colonizing hoofs, feet and cowsheds on regular basis, it is essential to do so that non-pathogenic bacteria always dominate. This can be achieved by regular cleaning in easy way. Non-pathogenic bacteria will always win the fight for food at the expense of their own raised survival and fermental strengthening, thus pathogenic bacteria will never reach infectious end.
Non-pathogenic bacteria as well as pathogenic use great amount of water for reproduction. Surfaces colonized by non-pathogenic bacteria gradually become and stay clean. If surface becomes dry, the majority of pathogenic bacteria cannot survive. Unlike pathogenic bacteria, non-pathogenic bacterium transforms into spore and will wait for appropriate conditions start reproduction again. Pathogenic bacteria are not able to transform into spores, therefore they die.

Colonization occurs be means of usual washing and irrigating all surfaces in the cowshed by prepared solution of “COW FEET CLEANER”. Actually one procedure of washing cowshed includes TWO – washing and treating cows.
For processing cow feet bath is used, to which our agent is used estimated 100g on 200 litres of water, as an example must be 200cm deep and approximately 3 meters long bath, cows go to exit and entrance each day, product is changed each 2-3 days (later can be rarer), temperature of bath is not important (cow feet are still warm).
Colonizing and cleaning in such way damages and injuries non-pathogenic bacteria make hoofs dry. Pathogenic bacteria lack moisture and food and they die out. Organism of cow successfully fights with disease, injuries are healed.
Conclusions: Colonization of cow hoofs and feet, as well as cowshed with the help of “COW FEET CLEANER” on a regular base lets us to avoid all losses, caused by infectious diseases of hoofs.




„AHS"- developed for cleaning in places where birds are kept and raised.
This product is used for cleaning poultry houses, washing cages, feed boxes, processing eggs. This washing agent contains non-pathogenic bacteria and enzymes of animal origin, as a result on washed surfaces creates an effect, which in medicine cause agents – probiotics.
Scientists, which developed this product have managed to „compress” and „seat” 50 000 000 colony forming units into volume of 1 litter of product combining the with enzymes with safe washing base.
Conducting microbiological analysis identifying bacteria included into this agent no representatives of the family were found: Enterobacteriaceae (p.Escherichia, Shigella, Salmonella, Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Enterobacter и Proteus).
Non-pathogenic bacteria included in the compound of washing agent get on the surface during washing – colonizing it. Reproducing they start to eat food, with which they are fed, including pathogenic bacteria. As a result of such competition, non-pathogenic bacteria being in „AHS” win non-pathogenic micro flora fighting for micro flora at the expense of their number. At the absence of food pathogenic flora dies, but bacteria found in „AHS” transform into „spores” – wait till new portion of food-dirt comes to their territory to „wake up” and continue „cleaning”. Pathogenic flora cannot stay on the surface for a long time without food and transform into spores.
Birds, in the places of its keeping create ideal conditions for reproduction of different cellular and non-cellular micro-organisms – temperature and humidity, remnants of organics and other. These conditions ideally pass for reproduction of pathogenic and non-pathogenic micro flora. However reproduction of pathogenic bacteria on clean surface occurs approximately two-three times faster than non-pathogenic. By washing with „AHS” occurs initial colonization of surface with non-pathogenic cultures, which do not cause diseases of poultry. With appearance of food, non-pathogenic bacteria conquer the greatest part of it, not giving a chance for pathogenic flora to reproduce till epidemiological end.

On the following day after initial washing of premises the presence of such bacteria as: Pseudomanas aeruginosa 9027 , Staphiloccocus aureus 25923 , Escherchia coli 1257, Bacillus subtilis 6633, Bacillus cereus 11778 lowers.
By regular washing during 7-14 days the presence of pathogenic micro flora is almost impossible to find out!
It is found out that eggs wiped (featured) with „AHS” to a less degree are exposed to infection with Salmonella. The per cent of hatched chicks during experiment the survey reached the 98% end. The survival of chicks during 60 days period was 93% (further data are not available as experiments are run). It was noticed that infectious diseases of poultry decreased by 60%. Disease of one or few individuals did not lead to epidemiological situation and disease of whole flock.
There is a possibility that using this agent will help to prevent spread of avian flu.
During pecking food from feeders washed with „AHS” no deviations were noticed at birds from norm in health and behaviour.
To date it is difficult enough to calculate the economic effect as product is new and there are no accumulated statistical data, but it is absolutely obvious that using „AHS” washing agents will let to achieve the following results:

  • Termination of chick infection with Salmonella after hatching from egg.
  • Termination of spread of virus diseases among birds (cancellation of quarantine actions), there are no epidemies in flocks
  • The air environment in the poultry farm and in the district become without the "stink"
  • Culling (case) of poultry reduces
  • It is necessary less time to clean the premises
  • There is no need to hold activities concerning disinfection of premises, cages, aviary, cleaning can be done directly with chickens.
  • There is a possibility not to divide production process by poultry houses. Incubator and chickens from 60 days and from 60 to 120 days, as well as hens can be in one poultry house! It means that company will significantly economize at the expense of warming premises and electricity.
  • The per cent of survived incubative chickens will raise till 90-99%
  • The per cent of pestilence will decrease by the cycle „from egg till egg”.
  • It is naturally that such poultry meet and egg, coming in sale can be easily called ECOLOGICALLY SAFE!
  • There is a possibility that avian flu will no frighten the workers of this company!
  • The perspective of expanding poultry meet and egg producing capacities without additional financial expenses.

Regularly washing premises, facilities, tables and instruments used for preparing chicken meet with „AHS” the shelf life of cooled meet in vacuum wrapping raises for 2-3 days.
The price for poultry egg and meet can stay the same, with lowered prime cost of product!




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