Spheres of application:
1. In hospitals, policlinics, health resorts, preventative clinics, recreation centres.
2. In offices, entertainment and sport centres, on public transport and other places of constant stay of people.
3. In schools, kinder gardens, rest homes, boarding schools and other social institutions.
4. In production, kitchens, in the places of eating.
- Safety of used agents for children, elderly people, people with weakened immunity, possibility of working in the rooms in the presence of patients
- Is not required pause of production for disinfection
- Agents are not allergic
-Full exception of dangerous disinfecting agents, ecological manufacture and products
- Highly effective cleaning of any organic contamination (including excretions of people and animals).
-Termination of distribution of infections, healthy atmosphere in premises
- Suppression of contact way of distribution of any infection between patients and visitors
- Fight with infection, living in institutions, control for conditionally pathogenic flora, minimization of problem with nosocomial infection).
- Microbiological control for development of pathogenic flora 24 hours a day
- Removing odours, but not masking
- Safety of agents, absence of odour of agents after cleaning
- Simplicity in use-normal cleaning (united with disinfection: decrease of time and labour expenses).
-Special agents for bathrooms, food units
- Positive influence on work of cleaning constructions: big part of organic contaminations is processed on-site
- Changing compound of draining in chemical composition – greases, suspended matter, pH etc.
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